My Coding Cheat Sheet

Tag Name Description
<html> html Tells the computer to expect an HTML document
<head> head Contains all metadata
<title> title This is what will show in the tab
<link> link Links CSS stylesheets, JavaScript, etc., to your basic page
<body> body This will contain the body of your page
<header> header Usually holds logo, navbar, title, maybe introduction or key facts
<nav> navigation Contains links for navigating the website
<h1> h1 Largest heading (headings go through h6, the smallest heading
<p> paragraph Normal sized writing for average content
<em> emphasis Italicizes the word(s) it's wrapped around
<strong> strong Prints word(s) it's wrapped around in bold font
<div> division Used for separating portions of the page
<section> section Also for separating parts of the page, maybe parts of an article?
<article> article For sections of print, images, etc. that go together (like an article)
<aside> aside For information not relevant to main body of information; sometimes used for sidenav

Common HTML attributes

Attribute Name Description
class class Used for classification; can be used on multiple elements
id identification Used for more specific identification; should only be used once per page



Attribute Name Description
display: flex; flex (value, not property) Sets an element to be a block-level flex container (on it's own line)
display: inline-flex inline-flex Sets an element to be an inline flex container (containers can sit next to each other)
justify-content: justify-content Positions flex items from left to right; main axis
justify-content: flex-start flex-start Positioned in order, left to right, no extra space
justify-content: flex-end flex-end Positioned in order, pushed to far right, no extra space
justify-content: center center Positioned in order, aligned center, no extra space
justify-content: space-around space-around Equal space before and after each item, making double space between
justify-content: space-between space-between Equal space between each element, but none at start or end (excepting margins, etc.)
align-items: align-items Positions flex items vertically; cross axis
align-items: flex-start; flex-start Positions all elements at the top of the parent container
align-items: flex-end; flex-end Positions all elements at the bottom of the parent container
align-items: center; center Centers all elements vertically
align-items: baseline; baseline The bottom of the content of all elements will be aligned with each other
align-items: stretch; stretch Elements will stretch from top to bottom of the container (unless a height is specified)
flex-grow: flex-grow Specifies which items grow to fill the container and at what proportions; default value = 0 (2 takes twice as much space as 1; elements will not grow past the max-width, if set); main axis
flex-shrink: flex-shrink Specifies which elements shrink and in what proportions (default value = 1) min- and max-width take precedent; margins unaffected, same as flex-grow; main axis
flex-basis: flex-basis Lets you specify the width of a flex item before it grows or shrinks
flex: flex (property, not value) Shorthand for declaring flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis (in that order) in one line Note: You can drop flex-basis or flex-shrink, but you can't set flex-shrink and flex-basis using 2 values
flex-wrap: flex-wrap Moves flex items to the next line; main axis
flex-wrap: wrap; wrap Flex items that don't fit on a row move down to the next line
flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; wrap-reverse Same as wrap but the order of rows is reversed
flex-wrap: nowrap; nowrap Prevents items from wrapping; default value. Only necessary to override a wrap value in a different CSS rule
align-content: align-content Aligns multiple rows of content in a flex container from top to bottom. Uses same values as align-items; cross axis
flex-direction: flex-direction Used to switch the main and cross axes
flex-direction: row; row Positions flex items from left to right, start from the default top left corner
flex-direction: row-reverse; Positions flex items right to left starting from the top right corner
flex-direction: column; column Positions flex items from top to bottom of the container starting from the top left corner
flex-direction: column-reverse; column-reverse Positions flex items from bottom to top of the container starting from the bottom left corner
flex-flow: flex-flow Shorthand used to declare flex-direction and flex-wrap properties in one line (in that order)